
Based on the close friendship among several young professionals in the field of architecture and construction, on November 8, 1982, PT. Parama Dharma was born, as a manifestation of its founders' vision and aspiration to take part in building Indonesia.

Now, after more than 40 years of hard work, PT. Parama Dharma managed to be not only a trusted and reliable company, but also admired as one of the most prestigious leading construction development companies in Indonesia.

Started with only ten employees at a modest pavilion at jalan Barito, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, PT. Parama Dharma gradually climbed up its ladder of success. A strong vision has fueled the company with the ability to keep moving forward through many challenges and changes. The spirit of excellence remains a reference in any construction project, so that over time, PT. Parama Dharma experiences massive growth based on excellence, professionalism, and quality.

Along with the changing eras and human needs, and Indonesian society's increasing appreciation to architecture and construction, PT. Parama Dharma is determined to continue improving quality and strengthen its commitment toward works, by constantly striving to give the best service, which provides not only a perfect physical interpretation of the paper plan, but also multidimensional services to ensure an emotional satisfaction in each construction project.



PT. Parama Dharma sees that nowadays, architecture is not just a building, but it has become a significant part of community's lifestyle. Therefore, in the years to come, PT. Parama Dharma has established its vision to become a leading construction services provider that takes  into account all aspects of human development, ranging from physical quality, durability, and usability, to aspects of beauty and artistic value embedded in any of its projects.


In realizing this vision, PT. Parama Dharma is committed to provide the best service in the field of construction and environmental development, which is basically a service that answers all customers' needs and generates an effective solution. The commitment is strengthened by the optimal working performance of PT. Parama Dharma's employees, in order to create a qualified, comfortable, exclusive, artistic building masterpiece that also beneficial for human development.



"Proyek diselesaikan dengan baik dan bertanggung jawab."
   Bp. Tjenharto Kohar 

"Pekerjaan cepat, rapi dan berkualitas."
   Bp. Joko Suyanto 

"Sangat responsif dan mudah dihubungi."
   Bp. Imam Salim

"Mudah menangkap apa yang menjadi keinginan kami dan   mewujudkannya di lapangan."
   Bp. Soetjipto W 

"Dapat mengkoordinasi proses kerja di lapangan dengan baik."
   Ibu Caroline 

"Pekerjaannya bagus dan melayani dengan baik."
   Ibu Tasia Hutapea 

"Tepat dan sesuai dengan yang kami inginkan. Bisa mengerjakan dengan cepat pekerjaan yang mendesak dan SDM dapat memberikan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kami."
   Ibu Melanie Lontoh 

"Pekerjaan rapi dan halus untuk pekerjaan finishing."
  Bp. Entario Wijaya

"PT. Parama Dharma = Jaminan mutu dan rasa aman
  PT. Parama Dharma = Beautiful Homes & fine architecture"

  Bp. Anthony Surya

"Pekerjaan rapih dengan standard kualitas yang baik"
  Bp. Hendra Prastowo

"Pekerjaan rapih, tak perlu pengawasan berbulan-bulan. Semoga juga yang tertanam tak kelihatan tapi sesuai standar mutu."
  Ibu Milly Karmilasareal

"Pekerjaan  rapih, ontime, kualitas bahan baik"
  Bp. Herianto

"Perusahaan yang dapat melayani secara comprehensif"
  Bp. Alvin Jusuf

"PT. Parama Dharma adalah yang pertama kali bagi saya untuk membangun rumah saya, dan sejauh ini saya cukup puas dengan pekerjaan mereka."
  Ibu Elisabeth Junita